was created as a resouce to consolidate the reading and monitoring of water gages for easy and quick access.
This site is not affiliated with the USGS, the aggregate data is used only for display purposes.
All data contained herein is preliminary in nature and therefore subject to change. The data is for general information purposes ONLY and SHALL NOT be used in technical applications such as, but not limited to, studies or designs. All critical data should be obtained from and verified by the United States Geological Survey and/or the United States Department of the Interior. assumes no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the data contained herein and any use of such data inconsistent with this disclaimer shall be solely at the risk of the user. may be used to monitor water gages for residential, commercial, and/or recreational purposes. is not an emergency notification system, and/or an emergency preparedness system. We do not take any responsibility or liability for the content on this site, it is not reliable data. is not responsible for any fees or charges as the result of SMS notifcations. We aslo limit the number of notifications for a specific gage site. The end user is also responsible to manage these notifcations from their Favorite page.
Water sports and water related recreational activities are inherently dangerous. This website and software is for informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for the use of proper equipment, training, or common sense when performing these activities. This website and software should not be relied upon as a definative source of information in determining the safety of the water.
Solely for ease of reference to related data, this site contains hyperlinks to a number of external web sites and/or information created and maintained by other public or private entities. neither controls nor guarantees the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any external sites or information, and we expressly reserves sole discretion to establish or remove external links from the server at any time. Further, the inclusion of links to particular external sites is not intended to reflect their importance or to endorse any views expressed, products or services offered on those sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.
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Like most places on the Internet, simply by visiting our website you automatically tell us certain information. This includes basic information such as your IP address, when you visited, the website from where you came prior to visiting us, the website where you go when you leave our website, your computer's operating system, and the type of web browser that you are using. Our website automatically records this basic information about you. This information is only used to monitor usage and so we know who visits our website.
Any information we collect from you is not used in any other way, only used to provide our service. We do not sell or share your information with anyone.
Questions and Answers
Any questions you may seek can be directed to info at